Saturday, March 28, 2015

A little ass

Taking a break from drawing today, enjoy a little ass.  This is Lucky and her sweet tongue.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I'm a blog loser, baby.  Why don't you kill me?
Really have a hard time keeping this thing alive.  sigh.
Here is some recent work.  Enjoy, my one fan out there :)
 New Sheriff in Town
 No Name
 Trampling out the Vintage where the Grapes of Math are Stored
 Every Day is Spring Time
 Hey Girl Hey
 Brew Haha
 Ring Ling
 Green Eggs and Ham
 Chain Reaction
 All These Lines
 Spread Eagle Headbanger of Death
Feline Navidad

Monday, March 17, 2014


This is not really a blog entry, just more of a rant to clear my chest.   I was watching a DIY channel show recently, can't remember what exactly.  Love those-do-it-yourself home improvement shows.  A bathroom rehab show.  Anyhoo, there was one of those ridiculous before-commercial-break questions:  Who brushes their teeth while showering to conserve water?  wait, did you hear me:  "WHO BRUSHES THEIR TEETH WHILE SHOWERING TO CONSERVE WATER?"  The answers were something like A. Queen Latifa, B. Jennifer Aniston, C. Gwyneth Paltrow.

Sorry to Queen Latifa and Gwyneth Paltrow, because Jennifer Aniston's name was the only one I could remember!!  Why?  Because Jennifer Aniston is the FUKN BIRD BRAIN who brushes her teeth while showering to CONSERVE water!!?!  Really?  You brush your teeth while showering to SAVE water?  During that three minutes or so that you are brushing your teeth, exactly how much water spouts from your shower head??  3 gallons?  6 gallons?  10 gallons?  When you brush your teeth at the sink, do you use 3 GALLONS of water?  duh.

So the western USA is now suffering through some kinda historic drought.  And Jennifer Aniston is now the poster child for water conservation.  Ug.  I hate stupid celebrity.  Why?  Why do people give a shit about celebrities?  Or how they conduct personal hygiene?  Fucking really.  Do you honestly believe that brushing your teeth in the shower is a water saving strategy?  Do you believe it now because fucking Jennifer Aniston says so???  People, please.  Brushing one's teeth needs about two tablespoons of H2O.  One to get started, one to swish out.

In the end, does it matter what fucking Jennifer Aniston says?  Will the 5 people influenced by this nameless home improvement TV show and the endorsement of fucking stupid Jennifer Aniston make ANY dent in the water supply?  Doubt it.  But the rage remains.  Thank you Jennifer Aniston and stupid DIY Network show for completely wigging me out.  It's because of boring idiot shows and brain dumb numb chuck fucking celebrities like this, that I can't sleep.  Happy?  Would have been funnier if the answer had been Queen LaTeefa… get it, teef, ha!  TEEF  HA!

Hahahahaha!  Still, ug.

The painting is based on an actual dream I had recently.  I had a flip top head with some kind of hinge in the back and instead of teeth,  I had a fruit slice.  Maybe I need some vitamin C.

Monday, December 30, 2013

People as Other People

I've been painting family members for a series of works based on classical artwork by others.  It's been fun!  Here's what I've got so far:

Myself as Vermeer's "Girl with a Pearl Earring"
My son as a random Pirate
My niece as Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa"  (the Mona Nisa)
Another niece as Edouard Manet's "A Bar at the Folies-Bergere"
Niece number 3 as George Romney's "Lady Hamilton"
Yet another niece as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's "Jane Avril"
Nephew and girlfriend as Grant Wood's "American Gothic"
Son as Maurice Quentin de la Tour's "portrait of Jean-Jacques Rousseau" (favorite philosopher of said son)
Have many more to go, but thought I'd share progress so far.  These are all watercolors with ink or pencil, roughly 8" x 10".  Hope the original artists aren't spinning in their graves!

Sunday, November 24, 2013


This is a quick post to strike while the iron is hot.  I am attention-deficit-whatever... I probably am gonna hafta post in this style to get anything 'out there'.  This is a current project.  At some point I want to post ALL of my stuff, but I gotta start somewhere.   Just warning the reader that I will jump all over creation.  Get your Dramamine ready!

I recently painted a little blue jay that was at my bird feeder.  He seemed so regal, I added a crown.  Off on a tangent I go.  Have more royal subjects waiting, but here are a few for now.

These are small watercolor and marker sketches, all referenced from actual animals that are friends of mine.  They are pets, rescues, or visitors in my yard.  I only paint or draw from my own photos cuz I am too shy to ask permission from other folks to use their work.  Along the same lines, please don't use my stuff with out asking.

Yes, I spelled Duxbury wrong.  I LIVE there and can't get it right.  I am a horrible speller and that's okay.  Stay regal, bitchez!