Sunday, November 24, 2013


This is a quick post to strike while the iron is hot.  I am attention-deficit-whatever... I probably am gonna hafta post in this style to get anything 'out there'.  This is a current project.  At some point I want to post ALL of my stuff, but I gotta start somewhere.   Just warning the reader that I will jump all over creation.  Get your Dramamine ready!

I recently painted a little blue jay that was at my bird feeder.  He seemed so regal, I added a crown.  Off on a tangent I go.  Have more royal subjects waiting, but here are a few for now.

These are small watercolor and marker sketches, all referenced from actual animals that are friends of mine.  They are pets, rescues, or visitors in my yard.  I only paint or draw from my own photos cuz I am too shy to ask permission from other folks to use their work.  Along the same lines, please don't use my stuff with out asking.

Yes, I spelled Duxbury wrong.  I LIVE there and can't get it right.  I am a horrible speller and that's okay.  Stay regal, bitchez!

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